Sunday, July 20, 2008

A-MAIZING snack it is!

I haven't much time to write - I know, I really need to get on this blog-wagon thing - but I wanted to share a small little secret I have. I sent a care package to my husband a couple weeks ago, and I heard back about his favorite thing: a bag of Gladcorn. While it doesn't look like much when you tear open the bag, your skepticism will soon be squashed when you try this.If you are like my husband who likes to eat the corn kernels that never popped, you will die over this stuff. If you would never touch the kernels (like me) you will love this stuff. What's better is that the original formula has only 3 ingredients. Yes! THREE INGREDIENTS. And it is darn tootin' good! I recommend buying it online (they also have a wonderful looking Jalepeno flavor, as well as BBQ and Cheddar), where you can even just get a free sample for just $1.50 shipping. Trust me, you will be back for more!

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