Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ponderosa Pine

One thing I love most about my house, believe it or not, is the 100-year-old Ponderosa Pine on the side. I love the way it smells, and how you can sit under it, nearly completely protected, during a typical NW rain shower. I love the shape of the tree, the texture of the needles, and collecting the huge architectural cones that fall to the ground every once in a while - a special treat.

So when I ran across this ring - oh, and found out it was exactly the right size for my right ring-finger! - I simply had to have it - ?! That, and my great love for Tourmalines as well as pines, really cemented the deal.

It was made by fellow Seattle artist and self-professed ring-aholic Jessi Taylor, who got her BFA in metals here at the U of W. I am absolutely in love with her jewelry. Tired of the twee, I find this jewelry to be subtly feminine but earthy, and love the juxtaposition of textures: metal that shows the hand of the artist combined with the highly-polished look of the stones.

Another great thing I love is the words that she imbues on each piece. Often the name of the items - such as Ponderosa Pine, Raspberry (for a lovely red "tile" ring), Winesap (for an "apple necklace"), monozygotic (on a gorgeous topaz ring), and so on.

Tons of creativity with found objects such as pink elephants and glitter encased in resin, vintage mother-of-pearl and ceramic tile buttons, and even realistic-looking glass eyeballs, you can also find many of her items for sale at very reasonable fees on Etsy.

Just lovely. Now, waiting with baited breath, for he postman to bring that tiny but precious package.

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